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Jacksonville FL

Dallas TX

MPG CPG Adj. Trigger

Fuel Type
ProMiles Retail

Route Method

Fuel Date

Use Major Chains Only
Exclude Miles In Mexico
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Detailed Results

Fuel Surcharge
Cost Per Gallon
Fuel Date:
Report Date:
Price Type:
Route Method:
Trigger Point:

Miles and Gallons
Total Miles:
Gallons Used:

Trip Taxes
St. IFTA Tx Mile Tx IFTA Schg

Total Fuel Surcharge
Fuel CPG:
FSC Trigger:
Cost In Excess of Trigger:
Times Gallons Used:
Fuel Surcharge:

State Breakdown
State Miles Miles% Avg. w/o Tax Weighted Avg. w/o Tax

Truck Stops
= Low Price = High Price
Name Location State Price w/o Tax CPG Adj. Price+Adder
Totals calculated using yesterday's finalized prices.